Saturday, July 16, 2011

To manage diabetes

do not know one way.
It is scientifically proven method that measured the impact of carbohydrates on the blood sugar. In almost every food we eat is carbohydrates. The best source of carbohydrates that our body's energy. They are our brains, muscles and other vital organs would benefit.
Carbohydrate foods that are mixed in the same way the GI is low blood sugar levels and gradually increases.
Low GI foods are good for diabetic patients. They gradually increase in blood sugar occurs. Therefore play a role in such food supplements. National Heart Institute and specialty clinics, consultant at New Delhi Dr. Vinod K. Daybitolojist cardio.which is the major cause of diabetes and Hvday disease. "
Manage smart nutrition
Prescribed medications with regular exercise and eating a balanced diet to control your blood sugars in patients with diabetes can live long healthy. Healthy lifestyle and balanced diet is the mantra that keeps blood sugar levels under control. Diabetes patients with low GI values of meals and snacks made from Pdathon ü a - a little heavy to use on a regular basis. Food that is mixed with low-GI carbohydrates, protein and additional dietary fiber-rich foods.
disease, diabetic foot, etc.. "
Do not overlook GI
Since low-GI foods gradually Pcte are they stable source of energy. Tri # you have this whole day long and provide sustained energy. The low-GI foods in the middle of the meal times (including Mixed carbohydrates, excess dietary fiber, protein, contains zero trans fats and cholesterol) of the diabeticpatient's regular Snaking remain active throughout the day and their blood sugar levels under control lives.Oates, ragi, legumes, whole grains, brown rice and mixed carbohydrates and are a good source of additional dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is divided into two categories - Vilyashil and insoluble fiber. In these fibers, especially fibers Vilyashil Gluken beta is abundant, it is Oates. This is a low level of lipid foods of this type that are many benefits to diabetics. Beta Gluken slow the absorption of sugar in the blood is the blood sugar does not rise.
It was found that wheat and other cereals more than Oates effectively reduce cholesterol levels. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has been reported in the Eldiऎl (bad cholesterol) are more profitable than wheat Profaail improve Oates.
Patients with diabetes should eat low GI as the entrees. Oates and of Ragi in the market made snacks for diabetics are available. Frandli such a diabetic patient with diabetes can eat food Pdathon that their nutritional requirements ü inside - are met. In addition to food products before buying them should know the extent of GI. Made for such products in diabetic patients are often given information packs.
Management to help meetJtiltao of diabetes management and diabetes-related GI is a key factor. Healthy diet and regular exercise to control the entire match and your diabetes blood sugar is a long way in preventing acute and downs.
The benefits of glycemic index
Improve diabetes management.
Increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin.
Hvday reduces the risk of disease.
Improves blood cholesterol levels.
Appetite seems small, there is a long-term satiety.
Persists longer in the body strength.
Meet again in the body after exercise is carbohydrates.
Low GI food (55 under), ragi, Oats, beans are golden,
Lentils, peas, low-fat yogurt, fruit bread.
High-GI food (up to 70), bread, potatoes, Fran F. Frank Fly, honey and white rice

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