Saturday, July 16, 2011

Improves digestion vajraana

Straighten both legs spread all sit together. The left hip with knee bent and toes of the left leg down to the place that the sole upwards. Similarly, right leg bent the knee to the toes of the right hip down to the place that the sole upwards.
In this case, near the toes - you will live and Adian on the outside, to sit between the two Adion. Both feet together knees, put hands on knees. In this case the head and spinal column should be straightforward. 10 to 20 minutes and 15 seconds, can be practicing this asana.
The seat can be as easy access Dyanatmk. Canada Pharmacy Sit in this asana pranayama meditation etc.. This one is so easy, even after the food can. This practice helps to increase appetite. Digestive fire is illuminated, flatulence disorders are away. The asana practice is to stress on the muscles of thighs and Pindlion. Knees, ankles, toes are off the exercises are still painful.
Stiffness in the joints of individuals, they do not sit on Adion. Rumetoid disorders like arthritis, you do not practice this asana

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