Saturday, July 16, 2011

Silent Heart Attack

Of Chestpen without a heart attack if he is silent heart attack.It occurs in many diseases. Write Dijnaretiv nerve fibers with diabetes or aging may be coming. The patient does not experience pain. Silent heart attack patient in these situations is the fear -
Diabetes patients, ages drawer in people who already have heart attacks.
Extremely high prevalence such a person, which have large volumes of blood cholesterol.The family - Pre-mature heart disease, be patient. A close relative has died suddenly Hvday disease.
The biggest problem with this disease, do not walk out, because it does not know the patient, so patients do not go to the doctor. Now that her silent heart attack patient should not have, how they will go to the doctor?
Of the treatment or prevention of diabetes is reckless hunting, they need to be careful.
These are some common symptoms, which would like to consider - breathing fast, quick wash, chest or arm bound to be comfortable in the relaxed position, excessive sweating and faint for no reason, etc. Some such symptoms which Hvday disease, heart attack or reflects the position of silent heart attack. Investigation times its identification details, medical history, ECG and blood tests, etc. is from. Patients with risk factors need to be careful. Diabetes, hypertension and heart attack patient has been through some realize this, then consult the doctor immediately. Heaviness in the chest, the breath of the brisk walk, sweating or know of such symptoms, contact a specialist to make a not too late.Treated promptly, changes in lifestyle in the Silent Heart Attack Risk factor control is required. Also treat high blood pressure, in addition to quitting smoking, balanced diet, including fresh fruits and green vegetables should be consumed regularly. Regular exercise, attention should be given to control cholesterol. The patient, who are diabetic or Hvday old patient afflicted with the disease, they undergo regular preventive health check up is recommended.
The ECG, treadmill stress test, advice, give cardiac consultant. Silent heart attack in the early stages of identifying a test today, is also being made, says the A-4 slice CT coronary angiography scan. Ambulatory 24 hour ECG Holter monitoring study also concerns the silent heart attack are identified.
It requires the same precautions, which normally requires following a heart attack. First, doctors recommend controlling this risk factor. Such people need to focus on catering. Salt, sugar intake needs to be avoided. Hvday smoking and alcohol is very dangerous for patients. Week at least once a local hospital or clinic blood pressure check and enjoy.
Hvday already suffering from the disease, you should make your lipid profile and keep control. Silent heart attack patient and the physician for both conditions is the kind of challenge. Therefore important to identify in the early stages, so that in time to get rid.

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