Saturday, July 16, 2011


Urine Test intestine, stomach and pancreas (digestive gland) can be detected early cancer. The techniques currently used to detect cancer is a urine test to compare them it is too early to know. Researchers of cancer patients' Canada Pharmacy urine showed the presence of some major proteins.Stomach and colon cancer patients, 10 percent survive five years after the disease are able to identify. It would therefore be the identification of the cancer when it is gone. Could be confirmed through biopsy or not the cancer. Doctor in the process of the cancerous part of the patient's body tissue from a small one - piece by removing it in the laboratory study.

Hussey Holjr Idnberg University says, "The purpose of this work is to identify the earliest of this type of cancer. The spread of cancer before we start treatment to help her." Holjr suffering cancer patients and healthy participants in this research were compared to urine tests. Proteins were identified in these tests.

"Protiyomiks Clinical Applications" According to the magazine Researchers identified six such proteins, of which 98 percent of cancer patients found in the urine test, while 90 percent of healthy participants were not present in

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