Saturday, July 16, 2011

If you ignore the back pain?

Blessed with a BPO job quit my job because of his persistent back pain. Such change jobs or leave this problem will get many more examples. The waist, lower back pain is spreading like an epidemic in Indian cities. Even now, rural people are not spared.

Department of Orthopediks, Peraplejia and Rehabilitation, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi from the study is find out who they are psychosocial and demographic factors which contribute to the high incidence of back pain.

The study revealed that people who do heavy work of hand pain in the groin. Most people suffer from lower back pain at some point in life. If back pain is longer than three months, it becomes incurable. Mechanical cause of back pain in most cases arise - is sitting. Studies show that the body plays a role in pain Poshcr.

The science of back pain

A bone of the spine can be divided into 4 sections. Canada Pharmacy Waist, which supports the weight of the torso, the pain is in the same field. If the spine becomes more strained or compressed, a disc may break out or can emerge. This split in the 50's one could tax the muscles which are attached to the spine and body movements and control signals from the body brings to mind. Compressed nerve roots is the result of having back pain. With age, muscle strength and elasticity are ça decreases to quantify.

What to do

Regular exercise is the treatment of this problem. Abdomen and waist-to-stretching exercises to seek medical advice about. Even know how long that can be such a workout. For example, swimming a great exercise for back pain is considered. Swimming is to use more of the upper torso. Therefore, effective workout for pregnant women is swimming. Toning of muscles of the chest is. At bedtime with a large pillow between the legs is good to keep. Your focus will be on the bench and back pillows instead will be relieved.

Keep your back healthy

Do stretching before any exercise or physical activity. Your work station at a height convenient for you or not. Such support is good for sitting on the back, you're right position to work and be as good as the height of the chair. Tilt your shoulders do not sit and change position.

Pregnancy in the lumbar

Such as pregnant women - such as the baby grows in the womb - a bone from the spine becomes more complicated. Forced to cope with the growing weight of the baby falls on the back.

Such in the back muscles to maintain balance of body, there has to be extra strength. As a result of lower back pain seems to be.

These are the

Inactive lifestyle or physical activity to be minimal.

Sparks from heavy lifting or sprain, strain or stretch the back muscles.

Weight gain in pregnancy, physical stress, not sitting properly, standing, right P W ashcr do not sleep and back pain.

Can get rid

Pain relief drug from the stiffness, swelling, irritation occurs.

Hot - cold pressure may find relief from the pain and irritation.

Ostiaopathy can get the res

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