Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dry cough not negligent in

Headaches, colds, cough, fever, etc. are some common diseases for which we do not go to the doctor and take his own medicine. Cough to merge as we think that the drug store in the neighborhood where no one will drink cough syrup, will treat the cough. We also do not think that is due to cough and how to treat her.
Life is meant to be coughing all of the activities involved in the disruption. Coughing while eating dinner, watch the movie in theaters now cough, cough walking with your spouse. With any work that you can not relax.
Means to live very long some severe cough. Short-term cough, it is difficult to decide when to go to the doctor. Cough may also be due to the common cold, so sometimes we do not think it necessarily has to be a doctor. Cold - cough so common things that we do not have the disease.
Hvdaygat cough syrup!
Many people are sensitive to drugs so that a person's normal diet is for them to overdose.
Has been seen often that we take medicines from chemist and are swallowed. We do not even bother to diet. Overdose or misuse of any drug can have bad consequences. Some cough syrups contain such children under two years can not be given, as they may damage the respiratory health of children.
If the diabetic patient should not take any medicine without first checking with your doctor..
Two types of cough
Two types of cough is usually a dry cough and cough the mucus. Dry cough is the most common and the throat. Treat a cough and examine the reasons behind it are hidden, so it is recommended that instead of taking cough medicine doctor check it out yourself to be made.
In most cases of dry cough, phlegm, suppression of doctors who use factors. It is advisable to take Fanseedril, whose main component "codeine", which works to suppress the treatment of dry cough and the "Gold Standard" is ranked.
Doctors Say
Cast consultant physician in Batra Hospital New Delhi Dr. Vivek Nangia explains, "you may seem wrong to suppress the cough, but other problems caused by living long-term cough, such as the lungs and thus a difficulty inintake of foods to avoid and a lot of liquid. "
The risk of bronchitis and asthma
If you ignored the cough for a long time and are causing so many problems. Being persistent cough, headache, neck pain, pain in the upper part of abdomen, chest and muscle pain is generated. The lower respiratory tract infections and bronchitis and asthma are likely to be generated. Dry cough at the show to some

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