Saturday, July 16, 2011

If you ignore the back pain?

Blessed with a BPO job quit my job because of his persistent back pain. Such change jobs or leave this problem will get many more examples. The waist, lower back pain is spreading like an epidemic in Indian cities. Even now, rural people are not spared.

Department of Orthopediks, Peraplejia and Rehabilitation, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi from the study is find out who they are psychosocial and demographic factors which contribute to the high incidence of back pain.

The study revealed that people who do heavy work of hand pain in the groin. Most people suffer from lower back pain at some point in life. If back pain is longer than three months, it becomes incurable. Mechanical cause of back pain in most cases arise - is sitting. Studies show that the body plays a role in pain Poshcr.

The science of back pain

A bone of the spine can be divided into 4 sections. Canada Pharmacy Waist, which supports the weight of the torso, the pain is in the same field. If the spine becomes more strained or compressed, a disc may break out or can emerge. This split in the 50's one could tax the muscles which are attached to the spine and body movements and control signals from the body brings to mind. Compressed nerve roots is the result of having back pain. With age, muscle strength and elasticity are ça decreases to quantify.

What to do

Regular exercise is the treatment of this problem. Abdomen and waist-to-stretching exercises to seek medical advice about. Even know how long that can be such a workout. For example, swimming a great exercise for back pain is considered. Swimming is to use more of the upper torso. Therefore, effective workout for pregnant women is swimming. Toning of muscles of the chest is. At bedtime with a large pillow between the legs is good to keep. Your focus will be on the bench and back pillows instead will be relieved.

Keep your back healthy

Do stretching before any exercise or physical activity. Your work station at a height convenient for you or not. Such support is good for sitting on the back, you're right position to work and be as good as the height of the chair. Tilt your shoulders do not sit and change position.

Pregnancy in the lumbar

Such as pregnant women - such as the baby grows in the womb - a bone from the spine becomes more complicated. Forced to cope with the growing weight of the baby falls on the back.

Such in the back muscles to maintain balance of body, there has to be extra strength. As a result of lower back pain seems to be.

These are the

Inactive lifestyle or physical activity to be minimal.

Sparks from heavy lifting or sprain, strain or stretch the back muscles.

Weight gain in pregnancy, physical stress, not sitting properly, standing, right P W ashcr do not sleep and back pain.

Can get rid

Pain relief drug from the stiffness, swelling, irritation occurs.

Hot - cold pressure may find relief from the pain and irritation.

Ostiaopathy can get the res

Not only at home, at work, health care of the rest!

London. Office hours, then sitting in the exercise - sitting fat can be avoided.

The British government has recently prepared guidelines Workplace exercise. It is the work of the sitting day of the employees, the office must do workouts. For this, they can use the stairs instead of elevators or office when you're away from home may prefer to cycle or walk.

Long phone call to the stand 30 to 40 minutes of talk time. These guidelines are issued by the Department of Health. These guidelines help in preparing the Lobro University School of Sports, Exercise and Health Science Kiprofesr Fiona Bull said, "We were able to get the day came evidence that prolonged sitting increases Health Problems."

On the other hand, even after knowing the facts about a third of the people follow such guidelines.

If the baby soft touch

Baby's coming home, as well as the happiness that leads to the advice of relatives and neighbors. Everyone tries to listen and accept that their experience too. But children's skin is very soft.Whether it was or diapers for their massage. For every mother's right to know everything required.

Baby Care Myth of many kinds are rife among the people. Baby care for such mothers in the first associated with the myth and the need to know facts.

Myth soap, baby wash, shampoo and lotion should not use products such as Skin Care. It's not good for baby's skin.

Fact is if your baby's skin dry and needs Maishcraijr, you can use on this product. But when they choose to consult a doctor. Before purchasing any product associated with the baby attached to her to make sure all the information. Baby Friendly-use product to be.

Myth Baby Sun Protection is not required.

Fact sun is extremely important to protect children's skin. Her cap to protect from the sun, a hat and light cotton clothing to cover. Avoid gotta turn out to her during the day. Which Sun Protection - C cream, how much is put in, the doctor should be consulted.

Amazing tamarind seeds

Scientists say that one of the tamarind seeds to develop biomass is claimed, the brain and spinal cord to re-build the damaged nerves can be helpful. The search for neurological diseases like Parkinson's can play an important role.

Prison as an accessory structure in place that works, which can be transferred through the healthy cells alone and the nervous system. So far the central nervous system, brain and spinal cord and muscle cell damage was considered in that it can not be

Swimming is a good cardio exercise. This exercise is suitable for those who back problems, knee problems or are suffering from arthritis. Thirty-minute breast stroke (a type of swimming) can cost around 400 calories.

Swimming increases the cardio-conditioning, because the whole body uses energy from every possible source. It improves flexibility and stretching the body during the entire season.

It is a safe exercise and it can help to overcome chronic injuries, so there is no effect on the joints and muscles, as the exercise is to the ground.

The muscles tight - and makes it fit your hips, back and arms are in workout and strengthens your legs. Water resistance is 12 times higher than in the ground, so the body has to work 12 times harder

Swimming is great

Swimming in the summer Cuion to be learned, how are you! Where health is an issue to learn swimming, but it has so many benefits. The swimming is great fun to do. This has several advantages. Baby swimming lessons, so it will work with him.

It's like that game, the head of the feet are all part of the exercise. Every part of the body in the exercise is swimming. And will exercise all body parts, the body will be like, you can judge yourself. The children who prefer swimming, they also have many advantages. It is very useful to the body.

When swimming, so that is the movement of the body. This gives flexibility in body movement and remain Hvday and lungs healthy. They have strength in the body and blood of the body because swimming is Srkulet, it also goes right Poshcr Body.

The best way to build separate swimming may be your personality, because children who learn swimming, increases confidence in them and they are happy. Nerves of the brain are active. It increases intellectual capacity. The change, others can also help you to learn swimming.

Improves digestion vajraana

Straighten both legs spread all sit together. The left hip with knee bent and toes of the left leg down to the place that the sole upwards. Similarly, right leg bent the knee to the toes of the right hip down to the place that the sole upwards.
In this case, near the toes - you will live and Adian on the outside, to sit between the two Adion. Both feet together knees, put hands on knees. In this case the head and spinal column should be straightforward. 10 to 20 minutes and 15 seconds, can be practicing this asana.
The seat can be as easy access Dyanatmk. Canada Pharmacy Sit in this asana pranayama meditation etc.. This one is so easy, even after the food can. This practice helps to increase appetite. Digestive fire is illuminated, flatulence disorders are away. The asana practice is to stress on the muscles of thighs and Pindlion. Knees, ankles, toes are off the exercises are still painful.
Stiffness in the joints of individuals, they do not sit on Adion. Rumetoid disorders like arthritis, you do not practice this asana

Is not incurable Agzima

can be placed.

Agzima Type

Agzima or dermatitis is basically divided into two parts, external and internal Agzima Agzima. External organs Agzima on external Agzima / dermatitis is called. It can be a Bisesha soap or metal. There are many types of external Agzima -

Contact dermatitis

The coming into contact with an object Bisesha Agzima have known this. It is also of two types - contact and allergic contact Iritent. Ditrjent, acid or other objects from touching the Iritent contact dermatitis Agzima says.

It is also possible to stay too long in the water. In such a situation should use mild soap. Allergies can occur for many reasons, such as nickel allergy from wearing the watch, wore earrings in the ears due to allergies or leather on the bag or shoes may cause some discomfort. This problem takes the form of increased Agzima. The allergic contact dermatitis says. Wearing plastic tops of the ears, watch with a leather belt, bag or shoes they wear clothes that can be avoided.

Mouse dermatitis

People who use computers, they are often mouse dermatitis. In this case, wearing work gloves in hands or periodically change the mouse.

Cosmetic dermatitis

Cosmetics can also be Agzima, such as the face or body may be allergic to hair dye. Nail polish can cause allergies in the eye. Including many types of lipstick may be allergic to cosmetics. 3-4 days before using any new material by hand to make its final recommendations that are Rasej or not. Spray can also cause allergies. Apart from cell phones is also possible to be allergic. If so, then mobile would be best to put on a plastic jacket.

Internal Agzima

It is also called atopic Agzima. Family asthma, allergic cough or history of allergies while others have seen this problem. Agzima called IgE antibodies in the blood is more to be atopic. In its infancy, childhood and adulthood is also the Agzima. The baby's face and head Infantile Agzima are Reshaij. Agzima in adults can be anywhere in the body. It may also be accompanied by cough Hnfni.

Learn to cause allergic reactions such

Patch test for allergies is to know the reason. It turns out that what the allergens. Complaints of allergies, you should consult and follow the advice to get the patch test.

Symptoms of Agzima

Agzima many of the symptoms - to dryness in skin, skin rash, itching, walk from the skin secretion of pus or fluid loss, especially where skin is hard and scorched - C look.


Acute Stage

Agzima leakage of fluid is constant. Dry skin lotion to know the reason has to Mediketed.

All Acute Stage

Agzima the fluid does not leak and it does not dry completely. Mediketed cream is applied in this case.

Chronic Stage

Hard skin is drying up. Mediketed ointment is applied to soften it. Also have to take anti-allergic tablet. When the bacterial infection is advised to take antibiotics. But no drug should or should sit in consultation with the doctor.


Tomatoes, garlic, eggplant, egg and reduce intake.

Soaps, creams, perfume, Ditrjent use very soft.

Do not have a lot of pets.

Trees - plants, grass, flowers, stay away from the pollen.Kapok pillows, blankets, etc. Stay away.

Pillow is not sick?

You can not sleep at night without a pillow, then go up a little. Maybe after reading it will leave you to touch my pillow. Scientists say that your pillow germs and diseases to move the "best" place.
"The Brats" and "The London NHS" Trust on behalf of the research conducted much of the weight of your pillow mites, dead skin, dirt and germs are related to. Scientists say that hospitals are even worse than the condition of the pillows. The Marsa, smallpox and other diseases can be bacterial.
Dr. Arthur is the author of the thesis that the pillows on the new Lihaf Tuker him to understand very clearly, but he does not know the germs of a "sheet" are covered.
They say that some of the germs and bacteria thrive in pillows never washed or can not be beaten. These E. coli infections, respiratory and urinary problems may be related. So periodically definitely think about the use of new pillows

Black tea: by stroke

One thousand one hundred people were here on the therapeutic use.
The first experiment on humans
This study mainly hypertension disease and stroke has been the focus on the effects of black tea. The study found that tea drinkers still likely to back stroke is 19.08 per cent 38.77 per cent in the tea drinkers may have not. National Tea Research Foundation (Netirifa) consultant Sandip Bandopadhyay says, "a four-year-old ü Health Project. The experiments on rats were made. In India, people using it at the time being. Of stroke repetition of tea can be prevented with regular intake.
Drink tea without milk
Researchers say that to achieve the desired benefits as tea should drink liquor. The milk, sugar or any other thing should not mix. Milk and sugar could reduce the effects of tea liquor.
disease Maltisentrik study on the effects of tea in the" Project Co ordinator - Paromita Bose says, "We treat our patients, Black - T are trying to do. This will reduce the chances of having another stroke."".
Reduces cholesterol
450 had ischemic stroke of tea a day reduced the incidence of repetitive and it can be kept better control of fasting hyperglycemia.Preventive Medicine Expert Dewashisha Basu taken form the tea liquor is amazing. This stress-related diseases is able to prevent stroke by controlling

Silent Heart Attack

Of Chestpen without a heart attack if he is silent heart attack.It occurs in many diseases. Write Dijnaretiv nerve fibers with diabetes or aging may be coming. The patient does not experience pain. Silent heart attack patient in these situations is the fear -
Diabetes patients, ages drawer in people who already have heart attacks.
Extremely high prevalence such a person, which have large volumes of blood cholesterol.The family - Pre-mature heart disease, be patient. A close relative has died suddenly Hvday disease.
The biggest problem with this disease, do not walk out, because it does not know the patient, so patients do not go to the doctor. Now that her silent heart attack patient should not have, how they will go to the doctor?
Of the treatment or prevention of diabetes is reckless hunting, they need to be careful.
These are some common symptoms, which would like to consider - breathing fast, quick wash, chest or arm bound to be comfortable in the relaxed position, excessive sweating and faint for no reason, etc. Some such symptoms which Hvday disease, heart attack or reflects the position of silent heart attack. Investigation times its identification details, medical history, ECG and blood tests, etc. is from. Patients with risk factors need to be careful. Diabetes, hypertension and heart attack patient has been through some realize this, then consult the doctor immediately. Heaviness in the chest, the breath of the brisk walk, sweating or know of such symptoms, contact a specialist to make a not too late.Treated promptly, changes in lifestyle in the Silent Heart Attack Risk factor control is required. Also treat high blood pressure, in addition to quitting smoking, balanced diet, including fresh fruits and green vegetables should be consumed regularly. Regular exercise, attention should be given to control cholesterol. The patient, who are diabetic or Hvday old patient afflicted with the disease, they undergo regular preventive health check up is recommended.
The ECG, treadmill stress test, advice, give cardiac consultant. Silent heart attack in the early stages of identifying a test today, is also being made, says the A-4 slice CT coronary angiography scan. Ambulatory 24 hour ECG Holter monitoring study also concerns the silent heart attack are identified.
It requires the same precautions, which normally requires following a heart attack. First, doctors recommend controlling this risk factor. Such people need to focus on catering. Salt, sugar intake needs to be avoided. Hvday smoking and alcohol is very dangerous for patients. Week at least once a local hospital or clinic blood pressure check and enjoy.
Hvday already suffering from the disease, you should make your lipid profile and keep control. Silent heart attack patient and the physician for both conditions is the kind of challenge. Therefore important to identify in the early stages, so that in time to get rid.

The urge to eat the worsening health

Today such a very large number of people who used to always suffer from the account. It is now believed that the bar - it tends to be the account remains the greatest cause of obesity.
But a researcher says that the body needs a Bisesha element, it means that person is not so keen for him to rise again.Some researchers believe that the account will remain the individual mode of life may be hiding. One reason is stress.
If a Poshan Biseshajञ difficulty that occurs when the body and mind is a proper disconnect. Lack of appropriate messages to the brain even after the account is bound to fill individual. U.S. scientific research on two drugs are such that a person's tendency to over-eating will be put on the disease. Provoke a strong desire to eat some researchers who are engaged in the detection of other biochemical factors.
Rock Falr University researchers say that the craving for food is concerned Nuropeptaid. Nuropeptaid born in brain chemistry, he is the person who controls the appetite and sexual

Dry cough not negligent in

Headaches, colds, cough, fever, etc. are some common diseases for which we do not go to the doctor and take his own medicine. Cough to merge as we think that the drug store in the neighborhood where no one will drink cough syrup, will treat the cough. We also do not think that is due to cough and how to treat her.
Life is meant to be coughing all of the activities involved in the disruption. Coughing while eating dinner, watch the movie in theaters now cough, cough walking with your spouse. With any work that you can not relax.
Means to live very long some severe cough. Short-term cough, it is difficult to decide when to go to the doctor. Cough may also be due to the common cold, so sometimes we do not think it necessarily has to be a doctor. Cold - cough so common things that we do not have the disease.
Hvdaygat cough syrup!
Many people are sensitive to drugs so that a person's normal diet is for them to overdose.
Has been seen often that we take medicines from chemist and are swallowed. We do not even bother to diet. Overdose or misuse of any drug can have bad consequences. Some cough syrups contain such children under two years can not be given, as they may damage the respiratory health of children.
If the diabetic patient should not take any medicine without first checking with your doctor..
Two types of cough
Two types of cough is usually a dry cough and cough the mucus. Dry cough is the most common and the throat. Treat a cough and examine the reasons behind it are hidden, so it is recommended that instead of taking cough medicine doctor check it out yourself to be made.
In most cases of dry cough, phlegm, suppression of doctors who use factors. It is advisable to take Fanseedril, whose main component "codeine", which works to suppress the treatment of dry cough and the "Gold Standard" is ranked.
Doctors Say
Cast consultant physician in Batra Hospital New Delhi Dr. Vivek Nangia explains, "you may seem wrong to suppress the cough, but other problems caused by living long-term cough, such as the lungs and thus a difficulty inintake of foods to avoid and a lot of liquid. "
The risk of bronchitis and asthma
If you ignored the cough for a long time and are causing so many problems. Being persistent cough, headache, neck pain, pain in the upper part of abdomen, chest and muscle pain is generated. The lower respiratory tract infections and bronchitis and asthma are likely to be generated. Dry cough at the show to some

To manage diabetes

do not know one way.
It is scientifically proven method that measured the impact of carbohydrates on the blood sugar. In almost every food we eat is carbohydrates. The best source of carbohydrates that our body's energy. They are our brains, muscles and other vital organs would benefit.
Carbohydrate foods that are mixed in the same way the GI is low blood sugar levels and gradually increases.
Low GI foods are good for diabetic patients. They gradually increase in blood sugar occurs. Therefore play a role in such food supplements. National Heart Institute and specialty clinics, consultant at New Delhi Dr. Vinod K. Daybitolojist cardio.which is the major cause of diabetes and Hvday disease. "
Manage smart nutrition
Prescribed medications with regular exercise and eating a balanced diet to control your blood sugars in patients with diabetes can live long healthy. Healthy lifestyle and balanced diet is the mantra that keeps blood sugar levels under control. Diabetes patients with low GI values of meals and snacks made from Pdathon ü a - a little heavy to use on a regular basis. Food that is mixed with low-GI carbohydrates, protein and additional dietary fiber-rich foods.
disease, diabetic foot, etc.. "
Do not overlook GI
Since low-GI foods gradually Pcte are they stable source of energy. Tri # you have this whole day long and provide sustained energy. The low-GI foods in the middle of the meal times (including Mixed carbohydrates, excess dietary fiber, protein, contains zero trans fats and cholesterol) of the diabeticpatient's regular Snaking remain active throughout the day and their blood sugar levels under control lives.Oates, ragi, legumes, whole grains, brown rice and mixed carbohydrates and are a good source of additional dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is divided into two categories - Vilyashil and insoluble fiber. In these fibers, especially fibers Vilyashil Gluken beta is abundant, it is Oates. This is a low level of lipid foods of this type that are many benefits to diabetics. Beta Gluken slow the absorption of sugar in the blood is the blood sugar does not rise.
It was found that wheat and other cereals more than Oates effectively reduce cholesterol levels. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has been reported in the Eldiऎl (bad cholesterol) are more profitable than wheat Profaail improve Oates.
Patients with diabetes should eat low GI as the entrees. Oates and of Ragi in the market made snacks for diabetics are available. Frandli such a diabetic patient with diabetes can eat food Pdathon that their nutritional requirements ü inside - are met. In addition to food products before buying them should know the extent of GI. Made for such products in diabetic patients are often given information packs.
Management to help meetJtiltao of diabetes management and diabetes-related GI is a key factor. Healthy diet and regular exercise to control the entire match and your diabetes blood sugar is a long way in preventing acute and downs.
The benefits of glycemic index
Improve diabetes management.
Increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin.
Hvday reduces the risk of disease.
Improves blood cholesterol levels.
Appetite seems small, there is a long-term satiety.
Persists longer in the body strength.
Meet again in the body after exercise is carbohydrates.
Low GI food (55 under), ragi, Oats, beans are golden,
Lentils, peas, low-fat yogurt, fruit bread.
High-GI food (up to 70), bread, potatoes, Fran F. Frank Fly, honey and white rice


Urine Test intestine, stomach and pancreas (digestive gland) can be detected early cancer. The techniques currently used to detect cancer is a urine test to compare them it is too early to know. Researchers of cancer patients' Canada Pharmacy urine showed the presence of some major proteins.Stomach and colon cancer patients, 10 percent survive five years after the disease are able to identify. It would therefore be the identification of the cancer when it is gone. Could be confirmed through biopsy or not the cancer. Doctor in the process of the cancerous part of the patient's body tissue from a small one - piece by removing it in the laboratory study.

Hussey Holjr Idnberg University says, "The purpose of this work is to identify the earliest of this type of cancer. The spread of cancer before we start treatment to help her." Holjr suffering cancer patients and healthy participants in this research were compared to urine tests. Proteins were identified in these tests.

"Protiyomiks Clinical Applications" According to the magazine Researchers identified six such proteins, of which 98 percent of cancer patients found in the urine test, while 90 percent of healthy participants were not present in

It's time to switch to a summer diet

As well as cold drinks and ice cream Raypuriyns Temperature rise is moved. Fittingly enough, the Summer of the diet should be very light and cool. Learn some related elements Summer Diet.
Summer Vegetables
Cucumber, onion-like vegetables are beneficial. These are antioxidants, the sun's direct rays to avoid skin damage. These vitamin "B" is also Draines the skin and prevents Iching.
Summer Fruits
In the summer seasonal fruits are fruits Votri in which to complete requirements of water, like watermelon. These are high Bitakarotin the vitamin "A" is changed. Growth of the body is so good, as it always helps to repair skin of Tishyu. Lemons and other citrus fruits are very beneficial to the skin in the summer.
At A Glance
Avoid stale food, as the summer season, the food is perishable.
Make the food, the area should be covered, go to the Open Harmful Baktiiria food and food that are Chansej of Poyjning.
Before cooking and wash hands with soap before eating.
Eating utensils, kitchen with - with the cooking area should be clear.
Do not enter more than the refrigerator, because there are worse things.
Traveling while on
Warm - not hot food pack, let it cool completely.
Sterilized food in glass or plastic container to keep high grades.
Store ice in insulated containers and put the fruits.
Carry a water bottle while Trekring